Nowadays, every other person is trying to become a vegan. While some claim that veganism isn’t so difficult, others find it impossible. However, the growing trend of turning vegan has caught up with the food industry. Today, there are hundreds of various alternatives to meat-based food and dairy items. Be it having your favourite salmon as vegan salmon or a good bowl of vegan ice cream. Humans always find a way around their problems. This is no less.
Veganism is not just a simple diet trend. It has way more meaning and importance attached to it. People turn vegan for a reason. The reason is not simply animal welfare but also our environment. We humans simply do not know how much meat consumption impacts the environment. However, we do know the cruelty these animals go through. This is one of the biggest reasons why so many chose to go a different path. This path is that of a strictly plant-based diet. Let’s be honest, it is tough. Even a vegetarian may face difficulties at first without their daily dairy consumption. All of us need the daily dosage of some greek yoghurt and cheese!
A plant-based diet is also not considered healthy. People often think that strictly sticking to plants can’t give your body all the nutrients. That’s true to a certain extent. Different types of meat provide your body with protein. Dairy products like milk also bring in protein and several other nutrients. However, we often ignore the complete benefits of plants. The key to being a healthy vegan is having a nutrient-rich diet. There are so many plant-based dishes which are heavily packed with nutrients. These inclusions and changes can really help you form a vegan diet that will work.
What is Vegan Salmon?
Well, we all know what a Salmon is. This fish is among the most protein-rich fish. It is omega-rich and is loved by all seafood lovers. Be it fillets or even salmon tacos, people love to eat it. Be it roasted or grilled, the texture of the fish and its nutritious value is well admired. They bring you numerous health benefits. However, recent studies have seen a downside to all this too. The fish you eat today is no longer fetched from fresh and clean waters. Fishes have a high level of chemical content in their flesh and fat. Therefore, you have equal reasons to hate and love it.
Fish for better health instead in all aspects. Opt for vegan food. You will find a lot of people the way who find it tough to substitute. However, it isn’t that bad. You can actually cook vegan salmon in different ways using different ingredients. Tofu is definitely an excellent alternative. Vegan salmon is enjoying the texture and taste of salmon without the actual fish. It is an alternative.
What Is Vegan Smoked Salmon?
Smoked salmon in general is a slightly different preparation for making salmon. These are cured fillets. They are either hot or cold smoked. This helps provide a different kind of texture to the fish dish. What is curing? It is when you preserve your food item in salt. Hot smoked salmon tastes very flaky. On the other hand, cold smoked salmon is very thinly sliced. Another name for cured salmon can actually be a lox. Therefore, if you are looking for vegan smoked salmon. You may actually make a carrot lox instead.
Making vegan salmon using carrots is quite easy and simple. You can whip up a carrot lox pretty quickly. You must obviously cook your carrot strips till tender. Also, use all the ingredients which commonly go into making vegan salmon. Common ones are garlic powder, soy sauce and rice vinegar. Leave your carrots in the marinade overnight and cook them well the next day. That’s about it.
Vegetarian Substitute For Salmon
To a huge seafood fan, not having salmon may seem like a disappointment. However, there are various vegetarian substitutes for your vegan salmon. Some of these commonly used substitutes are:
- Tofu: This is also called Tofish by many. This is among the most popular alternatives. This item is actually made using soy milk. Tofu is actually also called bean curd. The white colour as well as the protein-packed in tofu makes it a great alternative.
- Carrots: Shocking option but this actually works! Carrots when marinated and flavoured the same way as normal salmon, work like vegan salmon too. Carrot lox and smoked carrot salmon are two famous recipes. To bring out this effect in a carrot, you must work on making it tender.
- Chickpeas: This is an amazing ingredient to use for making fish cakes. In addition, they also provide great nutritional value. Mix it up with a few other ingredients and fish flavours and you are good to go!
- Jackfruit: Jackfruit can also be used as a replacement for fish.
The first two are definitely among the most popular choices. However, manufacturers nowadays use different things to come up with an alternative to fish protein. This ranges from mycoprotein to soy. There are also certain sauces that help you bring out the fish flavour. One of them being soy sauce. Ultimately, the recipe listed below is the same way of going through making a yummy vegan salmon.
Vegan Salmon Fillets Recipe
In case you wish to make a good and healthy plate of Vegan Salmon fillets at your home today. Here is the recipe you can easily follow:
Serves: 4 Prep time: 15 minutes Total time: 45 minutes Cuisine: German
Ingredients required:
About 400 g of Tofu
¾ cup of beetroot juice
A nori leaf/Nori sheets
1 ½ tablespoon of garlic powder
4 tablespoons of cornstarch
2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil
2 tablespoons of vinegar
4 tablespoons of vegetable oil
Salt as per taste
Pepper as per taste
2 tablespoons of soy/gluten-free tamari sauce
700 g of potatoes (preferably baby potatoes)
Slices of Lemon
800 g of asparagus
Sesame seeds
Ingredients to make Vegan Hollandaise Sauce:
Some chopped dill
Agave syrup
The beet juice is not only used to help with the flavour but also with the colour. It helps with the colour of your tofu and makes it pink. Give it the salmon touch. In case you don’t like the taste of beet, you may not worry. The taste isn’t so strong. However, you may use pomegranate juice instead too. You may also add in some food colour.
The ultimate core of the dish is your Tofu! Therefore, it is important you choose the right kind of tofu. Look for the one which is super firm. Also, make use of fresh lemon juice to help make your vegan salmon tangy.
Vegan Salmon: Step-By-Step Recipe
Step 1
The first step is simple and easy. All you have to do is cut your tofu in rectangles. This is to help represent your salmon fillets. Since this is a vegan salmon. It would be great to have it cut in the same possible manner. You may also cut slits on top and on the slides a little diagonally. This will make it very salmon-like. Finally, place this cut tofu in a sealed container. If not, a freezer bag works well too.
Step 2:
Cut around four strips from the nori sheet. This is if you wish to add the skin to your vegan salmon. This option is usually optional. However, we will be pan-searing it. Therefore, cut these strips and leave them. You can chop the leftover leaf and use it in the marinade later.
Step 3:
Take a small container and add the rest of the ingredients. These include soy sauce, beet juice and rice vinegar. You also add the required amount of flaxseed oil and garlic powder into it too. Some people also add in some liquid smoke while making this. However, it is completely optional. Don’t forget to add in the remaining chopped nori leaf as well. Mix this entire mixture well. Voila! This is your marinade. You have to carefully pour it over your cut fillets. After doing so, you seal it well and leave it in the refrigerator for an easy 8-9 hours. Therefore, let it rest in the refrigerator overnight.
Step 4:
You finally open your sealed container the next morning. Remember the four nori strips you kept aside? Dip them in the marinade well. You must make sure that the marinade has stuck properly to your nori strips. This is because you have to stick them to your fillets. Once you do that, now it is time to roll. Bring out some corn starch and start rolling these fillets in them.
Step 5:
Heat some vegetable oil on a skillet. Do this over medium flame and fry your tofu fillets carefully. Wait till they turn the beautiful golden colour. You will also see how they have become crispier on the sides.
Step 6:
You can actually do this step alongside your fifth one. This is to ensure that your dish is ready quickly and is also hot to serve. Boil your potatoes with some salt. Cut off the asparagus stems and cook them along with your potatoes. However, only boil them along until they become soft. You may also add in some chopped dill and agave syrup. It is also great to add the creamy vegan hollandaise sauce. This sauce doesn’t take more than five minutes and is super yummy and healthy. Serving this over boiled potatoes and asparagus is so delicious. All you need is some chopped parsley or dill on top. You can also squeeze in some lemon juice to garnish it better.
Set your plate:
Have you ever eaten or seen the actual salmon fillets? Well, your vegan salmon shouldn’t be any less. So, present it the same way too. Place your salmon fillets. Pop in some potatoes and asparagus on the plates along with the lovely hollandaise sauce. Garnish it over by squeezing in some lemon juice. Drizzle some sesame seeds and dill along with parsley as well! Voila, there’s your vegan salmon all ready to be served.
Points To Be Noted:
There are several ways to modify your salmon or make some changes. Here are a few you may or may not do:
- Tofu has been a popular vegan salmon choice. However, Some people may prefer
- carrots. Therefore, you can make the salmon magic work by using a bunch of carrots too.
- Some people also make use of liquid smoke or smoked paprika. However, this is only if you require your vegan salmon with a smoky flavour.
- You can also use gluten-free tamari sauce instead of soy sauce.
- These fillets must be warm to eat. Therefore, they must be served immediately after cooking.
- You can make this vegan salmon using an oven too. If not, one can use an air fryer as well.
- Vegan Salmon tastes delicious in some cream as well.
- Also, it was always better to freeze your tofu beforehand. This helps get rid of the liquid. In addition, the tofu also becomes capable of absorbing more marination.
- The side dish along with your tofu is completely your choice. You can add in whatever you like to eat alongside some good salmon. You may like some roasted potatoes or even some greens like broccoli and beans. If not these side veggies, you may like to add your salmon on top of a salad or into your pasta.
- In case you wish to bake your tofu fillets, it’s better to avoid the skin steps.
- You can also use the marination again within three months. This is upon you storing it well too. Freeze your leftovers’ marination.

Vegan Salmon Fillets Recipe
- 400 g Tofu
- ¾ cup of beetroot juice
- 1 nori leaf/Nori sheets
- 1½ tbsp garlic powder
- 4 tbsp cornstarch
- 2 tbsp flaxseed oil
- 2 tbsp vinegar
- 4 tbsp vegetable oil
- salt to taste
- pepper to taste
- 2 tbsp soy/gluten-free tamari sauce
- 700 g potatoes preferably baby potatoes
- a few slices of lemon
- parsley
- 800 g asparagus
- sesame seeds
Ingredients to make Vegan Hollandaise Sauce
- dill finely chopped
- Agave syrup
- Cut your tofu in rectangles like fillets since this is vegan salmon. Also, cut slits on top and on the slides a little diagonally. Place this in a sealed container.
- Cut around four strips from the nori sheet. You can chop the leftover leaf and use it in the marinade later.
- Take a small container and add the rest of the ingredients. These include soy sauce, beet juice and rice vinegar, flaxseed oil and garlic powder. Add in the remaining chopped nori leaf. Carefully pour it over your cut fillets. After doing so, let it rest in the refrigerator overnight.
- Open your sealed container the next morning. Dip the four nori strips in the marinade too and stick them to your fillets. Bring out some corn starch and start rolling these fillets in them.
- Heat some vegetable oil on a skillet. Use medium flame and fry your tofu fillets. Wait till they turn the beautiful golden colour and crispier on the sides.
- Alongside, boil your potatoes with some salt. Cut off the asparagus stems and cook them along with your potatoes. Add in some chopped dill and agave syrup along with vegan hollandaise sauce.
- Place your salmon fillets. Pop in some potatoes and asparagus on the plates along with the lovely hollandaise sauce. Garnish it over by squeezing in some lemon juice. Drizzle some sesame seeds and dill along with parsley as well! Voila, there’s your vegan salmon all ready to be served.
Vegan Salmon: Nutritional Information
Here is the nutritional information if consuming around one serving of this vegan salmon. It is based on one serving only and does not include the side dish preparation:
- Calories: 1308 Calories
- Carbohydrates: 71.8g
- Protein: 36.4g
- Total Fat: 98.4g
- Saturated Fat: 17g
- Trans Fat: 0.6 g
- Sodium: 6704mg
- Dietary Fibre:8.8g
- Total Sugars: 26g
- potassium: 1528mg
- Cholesterol: 0mg
- Calcium 831mg
- Iron 10mg
What Is Vegan Salmon Made From?
Vegan salmon is usually made using tofu or carrot strips. Both of them are cut in a way to bring out the look and feel of salmon. These recipes also make use of nori sheets to make your vegan salmon actually look like one. However, the best part about it is how the taste is brought through. The entire preparation is done using vegan elements. Different sauces that were used for fish, can be in use here too. There is obviously the manufactured kind of salmon too. You will find many of them selling you vegan fish sticks and cakes by using things like wheat gluten. Some of them also make use of seaweed to help with a fishy taste.
Is There A Vegan Substitute For Salmon?
Yes, there are several vegan substitutes for salmon. Salmon is usually eaten as an addition to several types of dishes. Be it a good plate of pasta or even a salad. The protein-rich quality of salmon makes it have an appearance in almost any place. However, with the rising vegan trend, there are many alternatives in the market too. You will find manufactured vegan fish and salmon. If you wish to make your dish at home instead, you may like to use tofu or carrot.
Can Vegans Have Salmon?
No, vegans obviously cannot consume this fish species. The core of being on a plant-based diet is cutting down on animals for food. Therefore, vegans cannot have salmon. However, humans can look for options as protein-rich and nutritious as this to supplement their diet. Some of you may love having the taste of salmon. Therefore, leaving it might be a little difficult. However, if that is the case, you can easily opt for vegan substitutes. These vegan substitutes include tofu, carrot and jackfruit.
Is There Plant-Based Salmon?
Yes! With so much growth in the world of science, this was bound to happen. Very recently, an Israeli food tech company called Plantish announced it. They have come up with a salmon fillet made using plant-based sources. Its aim as a company is to help save the oceans. The fillet can actually have the same protein as a normal salmon does. Can you believe it? They are using 3D tech to completely replicate the fish. However, so far this is just a prototype. There are many companies which already work on this. However, most are focused on groundfish and not fillets. This will be among the first of its kind.
What Is Fishless Tuna Made Of?
Tune without fish or fishless tuna is made of soy flour. You can also make fishless tuna using chickpeas. There are several brands that are coming up with vegan alternatives to fish. One of them is Loma Linda. They replicate the look and feel of the regular tuna and also market the product accordingly. Therefore, fishless tuna can be made using several different elements. You can also try making it at home.
In Conclusion
All in all, the veganism trend doesn’t leave you with fewer options. In fact, it only leaves you more. There are so many alternatives and substitutes available in the market. Be it for chicken or fish, it is for everything. Therefore, people are becoming more aware of you and your coworker. Being a vegan now is not a tough commitment. However, it does have a lot of impact on your entire diet. People forget how real meat can never replace meat made out of technology. Vegan alternatives can also never replace the look and feel of meat. However, both these alternatives can provide you with the best of both worlds.
Turning a vegan is all about having the right motive too. It is about holding the willpower to commit to a plant-based diet. This can only happen when you are aware of the consequences that follow. People often end up turning vegan after witnessing animal cruelty first-hand. That’s how bad it can get. Therefore, don’t restrict yourself from turning vegan due to a lack of options. There is the endless variety available today and you have doctors who can recommend a healthy vegan diet too. Dietitians suggest several plant-based proteins. So, don’t think twice before you make your vegan salmon. It will be as good as you expect!
What are your thoughts on meat-based alternatives? Would you try making vegan salmon at home? Let us know in the comments section below!
Paridhi Maheshwari is a content writer at F and B Recipes and Snazzy Women. She’s an aspiring journalist aiming to cover human interest stories through the power of her words.