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Spiritual Awakening: Meaning, Signs, Process and More

Spiritual Awakening: Meaning, Signs, Process and More

Are you aware of your spiritual awakening, and if so, how would you know if you are having one? Well, this article will help you with spiritual awakening meaning, signs of spiritual awakening, spiritual awakening process and spiritual awakening books. 

Experiencing spiritual awakening is not something that happens overnight.

When one has a spiritual awakening, the journey on the spiritual path begins.

For everyone, the spiritual awakening process is unique, complex, and multi-layered. It doesn’t, in reality, fall into any neat category.

In the absence of a spiritual awakening, we go through life pursuing the emptiness of fame, money, power, and respect in search of “happiness.”

In reality, worldly things cannot keep us content for very long.

We literally “wake up” to life when we experience a spiritual awakening.

As a result of a spiritual awakening, you have become aware of lies and illusions in this world.

Your inner self knows that nothing you experience externally will ever bring you true inner fulfilment or happiness.

Upon reaching this profound realisation, you desire something even more meaningful, more fulfilling, and something that will make you feel whole once more.


What is Spiritual Awakening?

A spiritual awakening is an ancient concept that has existed for centuries and observed in countless cultures and religions throughout the world.

Spiritual awakening occurs when a person awakens to their life with a new perspective and sense of being within it. You can call it nirvana, enlightenment, or bliss.

In the early stages of spiritual awakening, you may often find yourself grappling with questions like Who am I and why am I here? What is my life’s purpose? Is there life after death? What makes good people suffer? And other questions that probe the essence of existence in the wake of spiritual awakening.

When you experience a spiritual awakening, it drives you to ask the most profound and most significant questions within yourself that you’ve resisted asking or have been too afraid to touch.

But there can also be a feeling of wonder and anticipation when you find yourself suddenly feeling vibrant and alive.

Psychiatrist Carl Jung popularised the idea of spiritual awakening in the West (describing it as a return to one’s original self).

However, humans have always been aware of rising to higher levels of consciousness as an inherent part of being human.

The spiritual awakening (also known as spiritual ascension) is when we literally “awaken” to life.

We find that life is much richer than what we have been taught when we begin to question our old beliefs, habits, and social conditioning.

In the wake of a spiritual awakening, you might desire a deeper understanding of your life and wonder if there exists a “higher state” of being.

During spiritual awakening, you will get the desire to seek the unknown, such as God or the Divine.


Spiritual Awakening Meaning

Whenever a person experiences a spiritual awakening in their lives, they have a “wake up” experience in their life, where they question their old beliefs, ways of life, and practices.

The experience of dissolving the illusion of separation from the oneness sets you on the path to spiritual awakening.

When going through this deep dissolution process, the energy intelligently dissolves your sense of separation, generally starting with your ego.

During the spiritual awakening process, the ego lets go, creating space for the Higher Self or Spirit to emerge. We define the ego as our personal sense of identity or “I.”

A spiritual awakening affects the entire self: body, mind, heart, and soul. Once it occurs, however, you realise how limited your thinking process has been in so many areas.

In essence, a spiritual awakening is a realisation of one’s own truth while seeing reality for what it is. Any individual can experience such a realisation, but you must seek it out as an individual.

You cannot change what has already happened (being awakened).

The decision falls on you as to whether you will ignore it and rely on ignorance to lighten your burden.

There are both positives and negatives to it, but you must learn to accept it first.

Spiritual awakening is a more mature perspective of the self that arises from the understanding of human nature. It is the understanding of all things that define your existence.

There is no specific time when spiritual awakening occurs; it can happen at any time during one’s lifetime. Various factors inspire the search for a greater meaning in life, including physical illness, a break-up, or a period of personal distress.

In the case of spiritual awakening, it is normal for someone to express depression, anxiety, or the disappointment of not being the same person anymore after their newfound awareness. They may also experience fear or uncertainty regarding the direction their life is heading in.

An individual’s first step into the search for our soul work and spiritual paths occurs when they experience a spiritual awakening.

Each individual is driven by the desire to realise their life’s destiny, influenced by the preferences, interests, and values they have in life.

We all need to have a spiritual awakening one time in our lives no matter where we come from, what colour our skin is, or what we do for a living. Being spiritually awake makes us soulfully and spiritually better and more mature.

We learn to see our true worth and our significance in this world by shredding our immature, childish selves.


Signs of Spiritual Awakening

People who are aware of being separated from their true selves can be scared by the intensity of the spiritual awakening, which is related to the fact that learning their true selves is terrifying.

As you align yourself with your inner self, you will achieve numerous beautiful realisations and new perceptions, no matter how it transpires – whether through a struggle of resistance to alignment or through faith and trust after a contrast.

Regardless of the speed at which you experience spiritual awakenings, there are some overlapping signs that you’re on your way.

You are experiencing or will undergo a spiritual awakening if you experience any of the following:


#1. You’re more intuitive

You begin to hear the still, small voice within yourself gradually. Your unconscious mind may convey secret messages when you allow it to guide your decisions.

You may have recognised the caller before looking at the caller ID. It’s possible that you glanced at the microwave right when it was going to go off. Despite no prior contact with the person, you knew they were unfriendly. Intuition is evident in all of these moments, big or small.

Intuition refers to the gut feeling or your instincts when you interact with your universe.

The odds of your sense of intuition increasing in the wake of a spiritual awakening seem reasonable since you become more aware of everything surrounding you right now. 

You will be more responsive to the world around you when your sense of intuition is strong. It is more likely that you’ll make decisions quickly, have fewer regrets, and enjoy the present more.


#2. A noticeable change in your behaviour

In your daily actions and behaviour, you may be able to observe the most important and noticeable signs of spiritual awakening.

In tandem with spiritual development, you will also discover a great deal of change in your everyday life, even in your routines and habits.

Behaviours like compulsiveness, neurosis, and addiction indicate a lower or ego-centred soul. Spirit and Higher Self are both free of such traits.

At the present moment, the Spirit does not possess the drive to provide basic needs because it is whole and complete. The feeling of completeness or okayness that you experience from time to time should be a sign of awakening spiritually.

It might be now that you prioritise time spent in nature and meditation or that you’ve given up old habits you were no longer using.

Due to this okayness, you may also become less reactive (and more compassionate) toward others without even trying.


#3. Death is not as frightening

Although probably by now you have come to realise that death is inevitable, its prospect still does not frighten you. Spiritual awakening involves coming to this realisation.

A superficial self, or ego, feels separate and alone. In fear of death, it holds on to life while worrying about its safety.

Such feelings of fear and separation do not characterise the Original Spirit. Unlike the ego, it does not play the game of “us versus them.”

Spirit has no affinity towards any kind of nationality, race, religion, gender or species. It just is. Furthermore, it exists outside of space and time, so the concept of death does not apply.

Living in the present moment can also be a source of relief, which is something you may be experiencing suddenly.

When there is no doubt about the past or concern for the future, death can serve as a stepping stone instead of a finality.

In contrast, if you are finding death overwhelming, and it brings you to dread rather than relief, you may be suffering from an existential crisis. In the same way, as you would handle anxiety, you should handle uncomfortable feelings beyond your comprehension.


#4. Increased inner peace

You would naturally desire inner peace if you have been in a state of emotional turmoil, like learning you were nothing more than a collection of external thoughts.

This desire for inner peace is a clear sign that you are on the road to enlightenment and experiencing a spiritual awakening.

While most people think of inner peace as the absence of pain or suffering, Success Consciousness defines it as the lack of overthinking and dwelling on the past and the present.

There is freedom in letting go of the burden of so many heartaches and struggles. 

With each new experience, this freedom helps you think more objectively and level-headedly.

Therefore, considering the fact that you are increasing your consciousness of yourself, it makes sense that you would desire inner peace.

Despite your busy schedule, you enjoy quiet time or time alone. Nowadays, you lessen the amount of time you spend watching television and social media.

During this spiritual awakening, you may feel existential dread. By staying calm inside, you’ll be able to clarify this fear.


#5. Self-definition becomes less important

For people to know quickly and clearly who you are, your self-definition is how you present yourself nonverbally to the world.

Fashion choices, brand names, political affiliations, or lifestyle choices are all indicators of who you are as a person. 

Self-definition reveals how outside forces have influenced your identity. It can be a sign that you are spiritually awakening as you can begin to recognise that force.

Maybe you’ve always thought of yourself as someone who loves dogs or a particular brand. 

You define yourself quickly by using these small means of self-definition. These fragile layers of attachment are the result of your surroundings.

You have created a persona of your true self through the influence of media, your parents, experiences, and other factors. 

However, there is no longer any desire to be defined by these limiting characteristics.

Rather than reflecting on views, you want to focus on how these experiences have influenced your thought processes.


#6. You desire solitude

It may seem rewarding today more than ever to indulge in empathic thoughts and actions, but you may find yourself wishing to distance yourself from those around you.

You long for solitude. While you may have once been extroverted, you are now coming to terms with your introverted side. Reflecting and appreciating the silence takes a lot of your time.

The reason for this is that awakening requires deep reflection on the inner self. The process of enlightenment involves spending a lot of time wading through those new thoughts and feelings.  

Separating from others is necessary for reconnecting with yourself, but it is also vital to be courteous and respectful when declining requests to socialise.

When these overwhelming emotions take hold, it is easy to become angry and distance ourselves from close family and friends. 

Below are some suggestions as to how you might handle declining social offers before you make a decision you later regret:

“I’d prefer some private time to process my emotions.”

“Thanks for the invite, but I need some time by myself right now.”

“I don’t want to be unfairly harsh on you since I am feeling overwhelmed.”

You should be able to strike a balance between socialising and doing things by yourself as long as you remain honest and respectful.


#7. Increased self-confidence

Spiritual awakening begins with being authentically yourself since you are free from the shackles of society.

As your confidence grows, you may feel more comfortable about how you represent yourself instead of worrying about how you appear.

You can achieve this by expressing what you are passionate about and what makes you happy.

When you are true to yourself and don’t let your ego interfere, you can improve your self-confidence and quality of life.

You may be experiencing a spiritual awakening if you find yourself becoming more open with your feelings, your style, or overall self.


#8. You have more vivid dreams

In addition to waking life becoming more vivid, your dreams may also become vivid after a spiritual awakening.

You may also begin to discover what the meanings of your dreams mean and how they relate to your journey. 

You can sometimes wake up confused after having such vivid dreams.

Occasionally, you may have lucid dreams where you feel in control.

Sometimes your dreams carry messages or are mystical in nature.

When you dream, you sometimes know that you are not “dreaming”… that whatever you are experiencing is somehow real.

All you have to do is remember what matters most. Avoid forcing anything. Keeping fear at bay is the most important thing.


#9. Sense of connection to your surroundings

You could be experiencing an intense connection to your surroundings at any moment, like being aware of your experience in a crowded movie theatre.

Moreover, you’re able to gain deep empathy through this connection.

At its most basic level, empathy is the ability to feel another’s pain or to feel their feelings, whether physically or in a metaphysical sense.

The expression “walk a mile in the other’s shoes” often describes empathy. 

Being spiritually awakened causes you to feel a strong connection to those around you, and empathetic impulses become difficult to suppress.

Many different forms of it exist, including:

  1. Volunteer for your community – You may want to start giving back to your community.
  2. A change in your diet – Perhaps you have become aware of your feelings of fear associated with slaughtered animals and are reducing your intake (or entirely eliminating) meat and animal by-products from your diet.
  3. Kindness – Even the tiniest gestures of kindness can have a lasting impact on your feeling of self, together with a desire to make others’ lives better.

Regardless of how an individual feels a sense of attachment to their surroundings, the message stands out.

You are on your journey to enlightenment once you develop your empathy and compassion through spiritual awakening.


#10. You experience more synchronicities and déjà vu

Psychologist Carl Jung coined synchronicity to describe meaningful coincidences that mysteriously occur in your life.

The experiences you have when you experience synchronicity seem too significant to be merely coincidental encounters of day-to-day living.

The more you experience life, the more you become aware of the many omens and signs it brings to you. You are more receptive to life and much more interactive with it.

As a result, the chance of experiencing serendipity and déjà vu increases, and you may even experience a variety of mystical moments.

There is a high probability that you are on your spiritual path if you continually experience bizarre synchronicities, like thinking about someone and running into them the next day or seeing angel numbers every day. In the same way, déjà vu is not uncommon.

People describe them as signs from the heavens, freak encounters, guidance from their spiritual guides,  miracles, or even mystical encounters with their souls.


Spiritual Awakening Process

Spiritual awakening is just the first step in a long journey towards enlightenment.

Each individual’s spiritual awakening process is different.

The initial awakening may occur instantly, but the process consists of several phases, as listed below:


#1. Introduction

During the early stage of spiritual awakening, it is not uncommon to find yourself disconnected from the world and experiencing turmoil within. 

You begin to get rid of certain aspects (relationships, habits, outdated beliefs) so you can welcome new, more enriching things in your life.

Despite your best efforts, it might feel like something is missing. 

Also, you will be able to identify yourself as separate from your ego and recognise that there is powerful energy at work within the universe.

Life-changing experiences and occasions are often the catalysts for this initiation into the spiritual awakening process.

There will be a time when you feel the need to reflect inwards and begin self-examination.


#2. Query

As you experience signs of spiritual awakening, you become aware of areas in your life that require healing.

You will usually experience a period of questioning following a spiritual awakening process so you can face your limiting beliefs and negative behaviour patterns.

You might have to dismantle your religious belief system as part of your quest to understand the meaning of this world.


#3. Quest

In your search for spiritual awakening, you may begin exploring different spiritual practices to broaden your knowledge of the world and gain a deeper understanding of your divinity.

The most convenient ways to do so would be to learn from sacred texts, visit spiritual centres of worship and study other religions.

There are many paths to a spiritual awakening within the religious belief systems.

Many religions provide us with a great starting point until we become self-sufficient. For example, Buddhism describes the Noble Eightfold Path as the route to Nirvana (perfect peace). 

Despite the depth and knowledge found in this universe, no one religion can fully capture it.

In this regard, you may explore several distinct religious traditions and then choose one before you commit yourself to it; you may even take a hybrid approach, adopting the principles of varied traditions.


#4. Integration

The spiritual awakening process exposes wounds within you and encourages you to heal them.

The more evident your wounds will become, the more likely you are to seek support from coaching services, traditional therapies, spiritual healing practices, or spiritual guidance.

You liberate yourself from negative thought patterns by seeking healing and guidance. And you open yourself to a flow of wisdom and knowledge.

The act of healing stimulates a paradigm shift and the elevation of consciousness.


#5. Being one with the universe

Your sense of being one with the universe will culminate at this point.

It is possible to lose awareness of your own identity (or being separate from the universe) at some point.

Psychology describes the death of the ego as the death of one’s self-identity or sense of self. Once the ego dies, one will no longer have a sense of self or subjective identity.


Stages of Spiritual Awakening

There are several phases to the spiritual awakening process, and they can be broken down into stages to give you an idea of how the spiritual awakening process unfolds.

By measuring your progress and the steps you will need to take, you can determine where you are on your journey.

There are no hard and fast rules in the stages we describe here. They are merely suggestions.

The process is unique to each person and happens at their own pace.

Although you may not be able to follow others’ paths or maintain the same pace, it does not mean there is anything wrong with what you’re doing.

In a spiritual awakening process, discovering one’s self, realising one’s potential, and finding one’s way are meant to be part of the experience.


Stage 1: A sense of frustration, confusion, and desire to change

There’s a feeling of hopelessness, worry, and disappointment in your life. Feeling concerned with your direction in life, you are dissatisfied with where you are at the moment.

Relationships with people who matter to you feel distant and unsupportive. The world seems to be spinning out of control for you.

There is a desire for change within you. In order to improve your life, you have to take control of it. There’s a yearning for stability and direction in your life.

The key to happiness is taking responsibility for it. Taking control of your future is paramount, and you want to plan out the course of your life. 

The power inside you triggers you to awaken when you become frustrated and long for a change. You have the energy and drive to act on this urge as the force in you awakens.


Stage 2: Transformative process begins

An influx of emotions arises from the experiences of your life so far.

Along with pain and heartache, you feel a sense of euphoria, joy, freedom, and excitement.

A mixture of good and bad feelings combined helps you to view your life in a different light.

Self-reflection will begin to happen as you analyse and question your actions, decisions, and motives. Change starts here.


Stage 3: Disbelief, examination, and internal struggle

You will confront a slew of conflicting emotions as you analyse your past life, put it under the scanner, and start examining it minutely.

There is a high likelihood of confusion and even fear if this happens. It will leave you feeling lost and uncertain of what to do with your life.

You must tread carefully in this phase. As a result, it is easier for us to choose the safer, more convenient path when we have to choose between going back to familiar ways and resisting the urge to change.

In that case, it is your loss. Here’s your chance to try something new and leap into unchartered waters without any doubt in your mind. 

A person’s ability to summon the courage to take this leap is what sets them apart from the ordinary.

To proceed on your path to awakening, you must overcome your fears and internal turmoil.


Stage 4: Feeling abandoned, in the dark, and by yourself

You will find that life as you know it is crashing around you as soon as you shake off your doubts and give up on conflicting thoughts, leaving you dispirited, terrified, and abandoned.

There is no light showing the way forward as you look around and find yourself in a deep, dark tunnel with no apparent way out.

Although frightening, you must endure this process as you move towards awakening. Your only visibility is the dark side of the world while standing alone and bewildered.

You wonder how we ended up in this precarious place, surrounded by suffering, degeneration, misery, and sadness. 

Adapting to this society is daunting and challenging, and therefore, you may feel distressed and depressed. Being by yourself would make you feel better.

During this time, you begin to question your own existence and your true identity. 

If you act unsociable, people around you would wonder what has grabbed you. Although you may attempt to explain this, many will struggle to understand.

This phase is dismissed by most as a phase they will get over.


Stage 5: A glimmer of hope

You realise that you don’t have to change the world when you stumble your way through the long, dark tunnel.

The only thing you have to do is change yourself, and the world around you will naturally follow suit. A light at the end of the tunnel signals the hope of a better future.

When you come to this realisation, you feel more connected to the world. If you believe you exist for a reason, the reason for your existence will become more apparent to you.

You undergo a gradual change of perception about the world and those around you.

Reassurance is a powerful catalyst for positive emotions, such as gratitude and love.

During this phase, you may become intrigued by spirituality and metaphysics and want to learn more.


Stage 6: Beliefs change and growth occurs

You are honing and tuning your innate psychic skills at this stage.

When you have intuitive abilities, you can see that everyone is equal and no one is superior or inferior. Everyday life begins to bring synchronicities to your attention that you did not previously see.

This change in your feelings, thoughts, and emotions unquestionably leads to a different way of thinking. The way you think influences the way you see the world.

It is also possible to influence your reality by channelling your mind in the right direction.

Upon realising this, you gradually change your lifestyle, thereby bringing about gradual but significant changes.


Stage 7: Learning about the universe

As you venture on this spiritual journey, the realisation that you live within the Universe but are part of it is one of the most profound insights.

The more conscious you become, the more you realise your inherent connection to the Universe and how interconnected everything is. 

Increasing your knowledge of the Universe helps you find out more about yourself and your role within it.


Stage 8: Oneness with all of creation

You create strong bonds within yourself after discovering that you are a part of the Universe. Your existence begins to make sense when you feel one with the universe.

It is not pertinent for you to answer questions such as “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?”. Finding answers to life’s questions enriches your life.

In the Universe, you discover that not everything in the world is straightforward or black and white.

As a result, you are aware of the power of intention and energy and are able to utilise them effectively to improve your life.

It slowly dawns on you that all it takes to follow the path of higher purpose is to be your true, authentic self. You are here to fulfill this purpose.


Stage 9: Understanding who you really are

After you become aware that you must align with your true self to lead a fulfilling, happy life, things start to fall into place like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

The path and destiny of your life are more open, ideas and inspirations flow, and all the joy, peace, and abundance you could ever desire are within reach.

You discover that your life has changed, as have the lives of those around you.

The experiences you have reflect your heightened state of awareness.

The challenges and difficulties of life won’t go away, but you will be better prepared and equipped to deal with them.


Stage 10: Acknowledgement and surrender

As you continue to understand when to surrender and when to function in harmony with the Universe, you start to realise that you are one with it.

It is possible to reach greater heights in life if you know you have unlimited energy at your disposal at any time and that you have unwavering support whenever you need it.


Stage 11: Appreciation

Intending to lead a life filled with joy, peace, and contentment, you begin to appreciate the gift of life.

A deep sense of gratitude overflows you when you acknowledge the chance of meaningful living.

Your gratitude inspires you to stick to the path and keep doing what you are doing.


Stage 12: Greater awareness

You can let go of your negative characteristics as you realise the Universe is always on your side.

The effect of radiating positive energy with heartfelt compassion, kindness and unconditional love for all beings on earth begins to manifest.

The truth is you know that life is too short and that you should enjoy and live each day to the fullest extent possible. 

When you start a spiritual awakening process, you understand that it’s all about making your life more straightforward, more prosperous, happier, more peaceful, and more secure, thus improving your quality of life.


Spiritual Awakening Books

Have you been thinking about reading some of the best books on spiritual awakening? You can give yourself the greatest gift by learning about spirituality.

It can unlock the barrier of monotony and mediocrity, transforming it into a beautiful, compassionate, and loving life.

In any case, spirituality is not something that can be handled in isolation.

It is important to devour as many books on the subject as you can find while learning about spirituality. Below is a list of some of the best spiritual awakening books.

  1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People; by Stephen Covey
  2. Metahuman: Unleashing Your Infinite Potential; by Deepak Chopra
  3. The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself; by Michael Singer
  4. Conversations with God; by Neale Donald Walsh
  5. Untamed; by Glennon Doyle
  6. The Power of Now; by Eckhart Tolle
  7. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success; by Deepak Chopra
  8. The Shift; by Wayne Dyer
  9. Be Here Now; by Ram Dass
  10. The Art of Happiness; by the Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler



What is spiritual awakening?

The terms spiritual and awakening are totally unrelated to religion, religious organisations, or cults.

The Spiritual Awakening is an invitation to higher consciousness and awareness of the Self.

The spiritual awakening process changes an individual’s outlook and brings about a transformation in their life.

People who undergo a spiritual awakening realise a paradigm shift in their mental structure.

An awakening of the spiritual senses entails self-awareness and an acceptance of reality as it is.

Anyone can have an experience of it, but you must make an effort to get it. You cannot undo it once it has taken place (awakened). You must accept its reality first to appreciate its benefits.

Awakening to spirituality is a higher degree of understanding of self, defined by the rules of human life. You comprehend everything that defines your existence when you understand it.


What are the symptoms of a spiritual awakening?

Spiritual awakening comes with a variety of symptoms. However, it is vital to understand that spiritual awakening symptoms are not only emotional; they can also be psychological or even physical. The following are the most commonly seen symptoms.


#1. Growing Your Compassion

Your ability to empathise, or feel what another feels, allows you to see things from a different perspective.

Your empathy is what inspires your compassion. The literal meaning is “to suffer with.”

In the process of a spiritual awakening, individuals become more attentive, more empathic, and more compassionate – both of these qualities feel fulfilling, natural, and normal.


#2. Identifying Your Patterns

Observation is one of the first signs of awakening.

Without realising it, you may be operating on autopilot, without thinking through who you are, what you want, and what you are doing.

Suddenly, a previously dark room becomes bright once these questions appear.

Awareness of the present moment is always the first step toward growth, followed by the desire to make a change.


#3. Being at peace with yourself

A person with inner peace will not be easily perturbed.

In other words, it doesn’t mean you won’t experience problems in life, but that when difficulties do occur, you won’t be experiencing an emotional roller coaster.


#4. Getting Rid of Attachments

No matter how conscious you are, you have attachments.

You define yourself through your attachments.

Your car, clothes, what you eat, who you spend time with, how you spend your money, and what you read may define your identity.

With time, your beliefs or descriptions of yourself take on characteristics influenced by your parents, your friends, the media, and even science.

Think of a belief as a veil.

Layers of fabric exist on top of each other. As soon as you become conscious of the veil, it becomes transparent. It still exists but can be seen through.


What are the five stages of spiritual awakening?

Stage 1: New interests

The first stage is when you suddenly start to discover new interests. In addition to your desire to better understand who you are and your true nature, you are also curious about how life works in general.

There are a lot of things that are no longer meaningful to you, and as a result, many of your relationships may alter and transform.


Stage 2: Greater sensitivity

During your journey of discovering new ways of being, you may experience increased sensitivity as you shed off the layers of the past.

Due to your increased awareness of your inner intuitive guidance, you are losing your tolerance for negativity.


Stage 3: Self-transformation

This process helps shed the layers of conditioning, belief patterns, unresolved childhood issues, and other issues.

It begins to dawn on you that, as significant as being on the path of spiritual awakening is (since that’s how you can be your best self and benefit others most), you also begin to see that this is a path of personal mastery.


Stage 4: Discovering your true calling

Your true calling will become more apparent as you shed accumulated layers of conditioning and turn your wounds into gifts of wisdom.

Previously, you might have believed you knew the purpose of your life, however as your spiritual awakening grows and you explore the different aspects of your journey, you’re going to realise the true meaning of your life.


Stage 5: The spiritual journey begins

During this period, you deeply immerse yourself in your spiritual path, continue to learn and explore your gifts, and find multiple ways to share them with the world.

You see all situations as growth opportunities for spiritual evolution, so you don’t experience problems in your life, just growth opportunities. 

Each day, your compassionate nature and your intuitive skills grow.


How do you know you are spiritually gifted?

There may be a time when you question whether you have an intuitive side or if you have a special gift to deal with spiritual matters. You may experience these things if you are spiritually gifted.


  1. Vivid dreams: Dreaming allows us to connect with the spirit world more easily. When you are sleeping, the spirit world has an easier time communicating with you since you are most vulnerable.


  1. Synchronicity: You may have heard that death comes in threes, among other things. There may be a spiritual basis for these trends. That’s synchronicity, and it transcends death.


  1. Visions: Premonition and visions are ways that the spirit world communicates with you. There are small films that play in your head or visual field to alert you of danger.


  1. Experience random emotions: You may experience feelings and emotions that don’t belong to you. You may be channelling someone else’s feelings. It might seem strange, but it happens frequently.


What is the point of spiritual awakening?

When a person experiences a spiritual awakening, their search for their soul work and the spiritual path begins.

A person’s life is defined by their tastes, interests, and dreams, which determine their life’s destiny.

Regardless of one’s background, ethnicity, gender, or skin colour, it is imperative for every person to experience spiritual awakening once in their lifetime because it makes them a more spiritually mature individual.

Upon reflection, it reduces our immature, childish selves to dust and makes us see our value and purpose in life.

Spiritual enlightenment is about showing truths and solving issues that our intellectual minds cannot possibly comprehend and resolve based on learned reasoning.


The Takeaway

The spiritual awakening is intense, complex, and transformative in every possible way.

Despite their complexity, it will improve your life more quickly with patience, trial and error, and some time.

The process is all that matters. Trust it, stay strong, and prepare yourself for a better future.

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