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10 Ways To Jumpstart Your Career After Addiction Recovery

10 Ways To Jumpstart Your Career After Addiction Recovery10 Ways To Jumpstart Your Career After Addiction Recovery

Whether you are looking for a new job or are planning to continue with the same job, you will find these tips helpful to jumpstart your career after addiction recovery.

Are you someone who has just recently completed your inpatient program at a substance abuse and addiction detoxification treatment center?

You must want to get back to your stable life!

For that, you will need a job. 

Well, you’re not alone in your seeking a job, getting back into the market in search of a new job. You:

– are confused.

– feel intimidated.

– are getting accustomed to the social settings again.

– Plus, are scared that people will find out about everything and choose to judge you.

Yes, we all understand that there are certain barriers that stand in your way.


There is also a huge employment gap which can be quite a nuisance.

But, you must stop thinking about all the negative parts and concentrate on the positive parts.

There is a way for you to get back to your job and start fresh with a clean slate, and in this excerpt below for the information.


Are You Looking For A Rehab?

If you have just stepped onto the path of sobriety and wish to continue with the most credible professional help.

Then an inpatient facility is the best option for you. In an inpatient facility, you will be able to get all the care and supervision that is required for your complete recovery.

If you are already looking for such a rehabilitation and detoxification center, then look no more and click here to learn more about Infinite Recovery.

This is one of the credible recovery centers in the country, which guarantees 100% recovery.


10 Ways To Jumpstart Your Career After Addiction Recovery

So, you are about to go for your first interview?

Or, maybe your old boss to see whether you can get your old job back after addiction recovery. What should you do?

Take some of the notes from all the points below and make a great first impression.


1. Do Not Make Major Changes

This means when you come out of a detoxification or rehabilitation center; you are more likely to find something which is different from your previous life.

However, this is a bad decision!

Since there is so much gap between your previous job and your next one, finding a job in a completely different field could be quite stressful. Therefore, for the time being, it is better to do something which you already know and are comfortable with.


2. Do Not Have Too High Expectations

Having too high expectations about your salary can be quite dangerous at this stage!

Mostly because there is a possibility you might not meet your expectation, and this will make you more disappointed and anxious, which increases the chances of relapse.

Thus, always opt for jobs with low expectations. Your goal is to take one day at a time and not plan to be the next millionaire right now.


3. Be Honest

There is nothing worse than then finding out about your addiction later. Therefore, honesty is the best policy in this scenario.

When you go for your job interview, perfectly explain your past predicament.

When a company hires you knowing all your history, it is a credible company that is already setting the precedent that they will treat you right.


4. Look For Jobs You Will Enjoy

Make your hobby your job. It doesn’t matter how much it is paying you; as long as you are happy and able to sustain yourself, you are good to go as of now.

Thus, look for jobs that help you relieve stress and not put you under a lot.


5. Do Not Take Too Much Stress In The First Go

Yes, growth and success are important in a job! However, as of now, you should be making slow progress.

Taking too much stress and pressure is not good right after recovery. In addition, you should protect yourself from sudden relapses because of mental health issues at any cause.


6. You Can Become A Motivational Speaker

If you are very confident about recovery and are an extrovert speaker, this is the best career option.

There are organizations that pay former patients of addiction to self-help groups, support group meetings, and give motivational speeches about your struggle and success stories.


7. Make A Good First Impression

If you are going for an interview, ensure that you make your best first impression. Even if you tell them your history, ensure that your first impression makes so much of a difference that your past doesn’t matter.

What you will need is to have confidence in your skills. Your past doesn’t define you.


8. Socialize With Support Groups

Do not stop socializing with your support groups. Not only will it help you stay on the sober side, but it also helps others.

The best part about these social self-help groups is talking to people going through the same problem and learning more about careers after addiction recovery.


9. Do Something For Stress Management

Start with some holistic activities that can help you relieve some of the stress you can acquire from the office.

Some of the activities which will help you maintain your sobriety are yoga, exercise, and meditation.


10. Do Not Stop Therapy

No matter what happens, you mustn’t stop going through therapies. Therapies will allow you to keep in touch with your inner self.

This will ensure that your mental health is intact, and there are fewer chances of relapses in your new job.


Take One Step At A Time!

Life after recovery won’t be easy, but you have to continue with the determination you had during the recovery.

This is why you should continue some of the previous activities like you used to.

For example, therapy, self-help groups, and also incorporate some new stress relievers.

Maintaining a job shouldn’t be difficult as long as you take one step at a time.

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