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How To Cook With Duck Eggs

How To Cook With Duck Eggs

If you’re bored of regular eggs and want to try something a bit out of the box then duck eggs are a good choice that isn’t too out of reach for most people’s cooking ability. They’re a bit larger than regular eggs and have a different texture and flavour which makes them a good alternative that can be used for many recipes. This article will go through duck eggs, how to cook with them and some recipes that use duck eggs, let’s take a look!


Duck Eggs: What You Need to Know

You probably haven’t seen too many duck eggs in your local supermarket but many poultry retailers or even Asian supermarkets stock these delicacies. They not only have a richer flavour than hen eggs, but they are also packed with nutrients, protein and vitamins as well as having higher fat content than regular eggs. These eggs are also much larger than hen eggs, giving you a little more value for your money but there are some things you need to keep in mind when it comes to storage and preparation.


How To Keep Duck Eggs Fresh

The difference with duck eggs is that they have thicker and tougher shells which means they last longer than hen eggs. While you can keep them out for longer periods of time we still recommend you store them in a cool dark place away from direct sunlight. Also don’t worry about washing them as it gets rid of the natural coating of the duck eggs. These points will help you keep your eggs better for longer.


Preparing Duck Eggs for Cooking

There are not too many differences in preparation between duck and traditional eggs except for the shell size and strength, so ensure you use some more force when cracking and ensure you crack them cleanly. When cracked open there is a difference in the membrane that encases the egg which is a little more durable but nothing too distinguishable. Also if you’re separating yolks from whites you will need to be a little more careful with duck eggs as yolk encasing is a little more sensitive.


Methods of Cooking Duck Eggs

You can cook duck eggs using any method you like as they are just as versatile as any other eggs but there are some recipes that suit duck eggs a little more than others. If you’re looking to start cooking with duck eggs here are some methods for you to try for your next meal:


Scrambled Duck Eggs

The biggest advantage of using duck eggs for your scrambled egg recipes is that they are high in fat which makes them light and fluffy. This is the perfect texture for scrambling as it gives it that soft and creamy taste. If you want to try scrambled duck eggs then start by adding some butter to your pan and crack the duck eggs in, whisk them up like normal eggs and scramble until ready.


Boiled Duck Eggs

Duck eggs have harder shells but this is an advantage when it comes to making hard-boiled eggs, they will definitely keep shape better than traditional eggs and are less likely to break while cooking. If you want to boil eggs the process is almost exactly the same as usual eggs but you will have to be aware that they take longer to cook due to the larger size, so ensure you give it the extra few minutes before serving.


Substitute Eggs for Duck Eggs in Carbonara

Now this might be a little off track as we’re not having the entire meal as eggs but using duck eggs for dishes like carbonara or even desserts provides better results as they have a creamier texture. When you are making almost any recipe that calls for eggs that need higher fats then duck eggs could be a much better choice. Other options could be adding them to custard tarts, cakes and even quiche.


In Conclusion

For most people, eating duck eggs doesn’t really come to mind when in the kitchen but every ingredient has its purpose and if you use it in the right way you will get great results. For everything from scrambled eggs to omelettes to custard tarts, make sure you use this versatile food to enhance whatever dish you’re trying to make. I think you’ll be impressed with the results. Enjoy!


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