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Healthy Vegetable Lasagna With White Sauce

Healthy Vegetable Lasagna With White Sauce

Do you want to make a delicious and Healthy Vegetable Lasagna with White Sauce? If so, then this recipe is the only thing for you!

With its mix of vegetables, white sauce, and layers of cheese, this lasagna is sure to please everyone.

In addition, this recipe is sure to be a hit with your family and friends. It’s easy to make, and the ingredients are all-natural. Plus, it packs nutritious vegetables that will keep you full for hours!

We’ll show you how to make it step-by-step so that even novice cooks can master this classic Italian dish.

So let’s get cooking and enjoy a Healthy Vegetable Lasagna With White Sauce!


What Is Healthy Vegetable Lasagna With White Sauce?

The origins of lasagna with white sauce are not well documented. But people believe that Italy is the birthplace of lasagna. Traditional lasagna recipes from Italy use a tomato-based sauce. But white sauce has become popular in modern times.

The white sauce used in vegetable lasagna is like the classic Italian béchamel sauce. It is a sauce made with butter, flour, and milk.

The addition of vegetables to lasagna is also a common variation, as it provides flavours to it.

Today, people enjoy Vegetable Lasagna With White Sauce all around the world.

Further, the vegetables used in the Lasagna can vary. However, include zucchini, eggplant, and mushrooms. The white sauce is made with milk, flour, and butter. And flavoured with grated cheese and herbs such as thyme and basil.

The dish often tops with grated cheese and bakes in the oven until the cheese melts and is bubbly. It is a popular vegetarian and vegan option for those who want to enjoy a hearty Italian-style dish.


Why This Recipe Works

Vegetable Lasagna with white sauce is a delicious dish for several reasons:







Lastly, Vegetable Lasagna with white sauce works because it is a balancing, flavourful dish. It appeals to a wide range of tastes and dietary preferences.


Ingredients Required To Make Healthy Vegetable Lasagna With White Sauce

You’ll need the following ingredients:




















Tools Required To Make Healthy Vegetable Lasagna With White Sauce

Here are the tools that help to make this delicious recipe:









Optional tools that may be helpful:








Healthy Vegetable Lasagna With White Sauce Recipe

Our Healthy Vegetable Lasagna With White Sauce Recipe is packed with vegetables, pasta, a decadent three-cheese sauce and a super crispy topping!



Servings: 10    Prep Time: 20 minutes    Cook Time: 25 minutes    Total Time: 45 minutes    Course: Main Course    Cuisine: American    Calories: 354 kcal


Set the oven to 190°C (375°F).

Follow the instructions on the wrapper of the Lasagna sheets to prepare them. Drain and set them aside.

Melt 4 tablespoons of butter in a skillet on low heat.

Chop the onion and add it to the skillet. Cook until the onion becomes tender and golden.

When the onion begins to soften, add the garlic and onion powders. Quickly blend the garlic until it becomes fragrant, and sauté it for one minute.

When adding the flour, whisk the mixture for two to three minutes, or until it is smooth.

In addition, incorporate the vegetable stock.

Mix the milk and cream one at a time which allows the sauce to thicken.

Reduce the heat while whisking.

After removing the mixture from the heat, add the broccoli, spinach, and carrots.

In a separate bowl, combine mozzarella, ricotta, romano, asiago, and parmesan cheeses by blending.

Melt the remaining butter in another bowl. Mix the melted butter with three tablespoons of the cheese mixture, along with Ritz crackers, salt, and all-purpose spice.

Spray the casserole dish with nonstick cooking spray.

Layer three noodles on the end of the dish.

Spoon one-third of the veggie mixture over the noodles.

Place half of the cheese mixture on top of the veggie mixture.

Add three more lasagna noodles, followed by another third of the combination of veggies, and the remaining half of the cheese mixture.

Cover it with the remaining veggie mixture after arranging the final three lasagna noodles on top.

Top the lasagna with salty crackers.

Cook for ½ hour.

Allow it to cool for ten to fifteen minutes before serving to avoid fracturing the pieces. Enjoy your white sauce and vegetable lasagna!


Healthy Vegetable Lasagna With White Sauce: Nutrition Information

Calories 354 kcal

Fat 25 g

Cholesterol 77 mg

Sodium 257 mg

Carbohydrates 23 g

Fiber 2 g

Sugar 4 g

Protein 10 g


Tips To Make The Best Healthy Vegetable Lasagna With White Sauce


Storing & Freezing The Healthy Vegetable Lasagna With White Sauce

If you have leftover Vegetable Lasagna With White Sauce, you can store it in the freezer to enjoy later. Here’s how to do it:







Enjoy your Healthy Vegetable Lasagna With White Sauce!



What Is The White Sauce In Lasagna Made Of?

The white sauce in lasagna is also known as béchamel sauce. It is a classic French sauce made with milk, butter, and flour. It is a creamy and smooth sauce that is often useful as a base for many other sauces and dishes.

In addition, to make the white sauce for lasagna, you start by making a roux with equal parts of butter and flour. The roux cooks until it becomes golden brown and then milk add to create a creamy sauce. As desired, the sauce is then seasoned with salt, pepper, and other spices.

In lasagna, the white sauce is useful to add creaminess and richness to the dish. And it’s layered with other ingredients. For instance, noodles, vegetables, and cheese create a delicious and comforting meal.


Is Lasagna A Healthy Meal?

Lasagna can be a nutritious and healthy meal if it is made with healthy ingredients and part sizes. Here are some things to consider:







With the right ingredients, lasagna can be a healthy and satisfying meal.


Do You Put White Sauce On Every Layer Of Lasagna?

No, white sauce is not put on every layer of lasagna. Rather, it is usually useful as a layer between the other ingredients such as noodles, vegetables, and cheese. Moreover, This creates a creamy and flavourful layer that adds richness to the dish.

The exact way a lasagna can vary depending on the recipe. Some recipes may call for more or less white sauce, while others may use a different type of sauce or no sauce at all.

In general, a typical lasagna recipe will have three to four layers of noodles, cheese, and vegetable fillings. The white sauce may be added to every other layer or every few layers, depending on the recipe. The final layer is usually topped with cheese and lasagna. It bakes until the cheese melts and is bubbly.


How Many Calories Are In One Piece Of Veggie Lasagna?

The number of calories in one piece of veggie lasagna can vary depending on the recipe and the size of the serving. But, here is an approx range of calories based on a typical recipe which is made with whole wheat noodles, vegetables, and a moderate amount of cheese:

However, a serving size of veggie lasagna is generally about ⅙ of a 9×13-inch pan, which is about 4 inches by 3 inches. A piece of veggie lasagna this size may have anywhere from 250 to 400 calories. It depends on the recipe and ingredients used.

It is important to note that this is an estimate. The actual calorie content could vary based on the ingredients used and serving size. It’s also important to pay attention to the part size. It pairs the lasagna with healthy sides like a salad or roasted vegetables.


Is White Sauce Healthy?

White sauce, also known as béchamel sauce, can be a healthy addition to meals. When consumed in moderation and made with healthy ingredients. Here are some things to consider:





Is Lasagna Good For Losing Weight?

Lasagna can be high in calories, fat, and carbohydrates, especially if it cooks with a lot of cheese and meat. But, it is possible to make a healthier version of lasagna by using whole wheat pasta and leaner meats. For instance, ground turkey or chicken, and incorporating more vegetables. Such as spinach, zucchini, or eggplant.

If you are trying to lose weight, it’s important to pay attention to part sizes. And the calorie content of your meals. While lasagna can be a part of a healthy, balanced diet in moderation, it’s not a “weight loss” food on its own.

If you enjoy lasagna and want to include it in your diet while still losing weight, try pairing it with a side salad. You could also consider making a vegetable-based lasagna using eggplant or zucchini. Instead of pasta to decrease the calorie and carbohydrate content.


In Conclusion

This healthy lasagna with white sauce recipe is a great option for a nutritious meal.

With the use of nutrient-packed vegetables, this lasagna is a healthier alternative.

Further, it is also a versatile dish. It can customize to your taste preferences by adding your favourite vegetables.

By following this recipe, you can enjoy a delicious lasagna. While still maintaining a balanced and healthy diet.

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Healthy Vegetable Lasagna With White Sauce Recipe

Our Healthy Vegetable Lasagna With White Sauce Recipe is packed with vegetables, pasta, a decadent three-cheese sauce and a super crispy topping!
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Keyword Easy Healthy Vegetable Lasagna With White Sauce Recipe, Healthy Vegetable Lasagna With White Sauce, Healthy Vegetable Lasagna With White Sauce Recipe, Vegetable Lasagna With Cheese, Vegetable Lasagna With Cheese Sauce, Vegetable Lasagna With White Sauce
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Servings 10
Calories 354kcal
Author Dipti Tharwani


  • 9 Lasagna sheets
  • ¼ Brown Onion
  • 2 cloves of Garlic
  • 7 tbsp Olive oil
  • 3 cups Broccoli
  • 2 cups Julienne Carrots
  • 2 cups Savoy spinach
  • ¾ cup Vegetable Broth
  • 1 tsp Onion powder
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
  • cup Heavy cream
  • ½ cup each Romano, Parmesan, Mozzarella, and Asiago cheese
  • 4 tbsp All-purpose flour
  • 1 cup Salty crackers
  • ½ cup Milk
  • ½ cup Ricotta
  • 2 tsp Seasoning
  • 7 tbsp Butter


  • Set the oven to 190°C (375°F).
  • Follow the instructions on the wrapper of the Lasagna sheets to prepare them. Drain and set them aside.
  • Melt 4 tablespoons of butter in a skillet on low heat.
  • Chop the onion and add it to the skillet. Cook until the onion becomes tender and golden.
  • When the onion begins to soften, add the garlic and onion powders. Quickly blend the garlic until it becomes fragrant, and sauté it for one minute.
  • When adding the flour, whisk the mixture for two to three minutes, or until it is smooth.
  • In addition, incorporate the vegetable stock.
  • Mix the milk and cream one at a time which allows the sauce to thicken.
  • Reduce the heat while whisking.
  • After removing the mixture from the heat, add the broccoli, spinach, and carrots.
  • In a separate bowl, combine mozzarella, ricotta, romano, asiago, and parmesan cheeses by blending.
  • Melt the remaining butter in another bowl. Mix the melted butter with three tablespoons of the cheese mixture, along with Ritz crackers, salt, and all-purpose spice.
  • Spray the casserole dish with nonstick cooking spray.
  • Layer three noodles on the end of the dish.
  • Spoon one-third of the veggie mixture over the noodles.
  • Place half of the cheese mixture on top of the veggie mixture.
  • Add three more lasagna noodles, followed by another third of the combination of veggies, and the remaining half of the cheese mixture.
  • Cover it with the remaining veggie mixture after arranging the final three lasagna noodles on top.
  • Top the lasagna with salty crackers.
  • Cook for ½ hour.
  • Allow it to cool for ten to fifteen minutes before serving to avoid fracturing the pieces. Enjoy your white sauce and vegetable lasagna!


  • Feel free to replace the vegetables with your preferred options. Some excellent choices include zucchini, mushrooms, cauliflower, and eggplant.
  • When using water-heavy vegetables, it's important to release the excess water to prevent a pappy lasagna. 
  • Avoid oven-ready lasagna noodles as they may not yield the same results.
  • If you decide to prepare the salty topping ahead of time, keep it separate until you're okay to cook to maintain its crispiness.




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