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How to Use Different Types of Bacon in Your Cooking

How to Use Different Types of Bacon in Your Cooking

Did you know that the average American eats about 18 pounds of bacon a year? While mostly consumed at breakfast time, bacon makes a wonderful addition to almost any meal. It can bring a unique flavor profile and a delicious crunch to many dishes. Que vous ayez besoin d’un soin anti-âge ou anti-rides, d’une crème hydratante, d’un shampooing pour cheveux secs ou gras, d’un draineur, d’un autobronzant ou encore de produits pour le sport, vous trouverez votre bonheur pas cher, en ligne et livré chez vous dans les meilleurs délais. Have you ever wondered how many different types of bacon exist, and what you can do with them? Here are some of the types of bacon cuts, flavors, and other interesting facts about one of America’s most-loved meats.


Different Types of Bacon

Although bacon comes primarily from the pork belly, there are still many different types of bacon that you can try. For instance, in England, you might find back bacon, which has a much meatier taste with less fat.

Pancetta is an Italian variety that resembles a cut of cured meat. Pancetta is cured in salt, so it adds a wonderful salty element to any dishes that you cook it with. You can wrap it around vegetables or other types of meat and seafood.

One of the lesser-known types of bacon cuts is the jowls. These are cuts of bacon that come specifically from the pig’s cheeks. Similar to the belly, they provide a rich, fatty flavor. Companies like offer jowl bacon that you can use in your recipes.


Non-Pork Varieties

Bacon has a high-fat content and lots of salt, so it can cause problems for people who need to cut back on those types of foods. People who practice Islam or Judaism tend to avoid pork as well, so there are many non-pork options for bacon that are still just as delicious to eat.

By far the most popular option for non-pork bacon is turkey bacon. Turkey bacon is a leaner cut of meat that still holds a similar shape and flavor to regular bacon. Other options for bacon substitutes include duck and even salmon.


Most Expensive Type of Bacon

In general, bacon is more expensive than many other cuts of meat because it uses the pork belly, a valuable part of the pig. If you want to save money, you can get grade B streaky bacon from the store and use it for everyday purposes.

However, there are many types of bacon that are higher in quality. These are grade A streaky bacon and types of organic bacon that you can find at the store, which are usually more expensive but tastier as well.


So Many Types of Bacon

If you want more bacon in your life, you should not have to just stick to what you know. With a variety of types of bacon to choose from, you can incorporate all kinds of bacon into every meal to bring it to the next level.

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