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Low vs. High-Impact Exercise [INFOGRAPHIC]

Low vs. High-Impact ExerciseLow vs. High-Impact Exercise

If there is one thing that last year has taught us it is the need for exercise. Everyone is busy with their lives. Students have schools while their parents have full-time jobs. We don’t feel the need to go out and take some time out for our bodies. However, it is important that we do so. We keep neglecting our health and wait for a disease to strike us. Therefore, only eating healthy is not the key, your body must be able to burn some calories too. That’s where the question arises: Low impact vs. high-impact exercise, which is better?

Exercising plays a huge part in keeping your weight and health in check. In addition, it is a great mood and energy booster. We are all aware of that famous line “all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.” In fact, exercising daily has proved to be helpful for better sleep and skin too! Therefore, why be a couch potato when you can work out a little every day? However tiring, the impact of physical activity is huge.

Exercises are of two types: low impact and high impact. Just like their names suggest, low-impact exercises cause less impact on your joints while high-impact exercises cause more. Usually, people who exercise for training and sports tend to do high-impact exercises. High-impact exercises help a lot in bone and muscle strength. However, these can get very intensive. One must be careful not to overdo them without much knowledge. Are you confused about which is better: Low impact vs. high-impact exercise? Read on to find out more.


Low vs. High-Impact Exercise: What’s The Difference? 

We have a basic understanding of low impact vs. high-impact exercise. Therefore, let’s look at the four major differences between these two. 






Low vs. High-Impact Exercise: Pros and Cons 

We are all built differently. Our lifestyle and eating habits differ a lot. Therefore, any kind of exercise may have advantages and disadvantages.


The advantages of high-impact exercise are:



The disadvantages of high-impact exercise are:



People with past or current bone-related issues must not strain themselves doing these exercises. People who are obese may also find it difficult to cope with the intensity of such workouts.


The advantages of low-impact exercise are:



These exercises don’t really have a disadvantage in specific. They are just limiting in terms of benefits and impact. For instance, imagine a person running every day for the same time as a person walking. The person who’s running will definitely have more impact.


Low vs. High-Impact Exercise: Exercises to Try

Here are some low-impact and high-impact exercises you could try:

High-impact exercises

Apart from these few exercises, there are several high-impact exercises you can try. From hiking to running, there are a lot of ways you can get your heart racing.


Low-impact exercises


These are some of the many low-impact exercises one can try!



Is High Impact Or Low-Impact Better?

There is no better or worse. A doctor may recommend a heavy cardio workout or just 30 minutes of yoga. It is entirely upon how much your body can take. It is also upon your goal. For instance, some people exercise to take their minds off and feel calm. Therefore, such people will like low-impact exercises. On the other hand, some people want to lose weight and work on building muscles. Therefore, they would prefer high-impact exercise.

High-impact exercise definitively does have a greater impact as the name suggests. However, it is of no use if your body cannot take it. It will only lead to problems. Therefore, always make an informed decision. 


Is Low-Impact Or High Impact Better For Weight Loss?

Both forms of exercise are helpful in weight loss. Low-impact is a long road but an easier one. At the end of the day, it is not just about how many you burn. It is also about your calorie intake. Technically, high impact is better for burning fat. However, weight loss is best tackled with a good proportion of both types of exercises. 


Are Low-Impact Workouts Better?

It’s a matter of personal preference and requirement. There is no better or worse. There is no such thing as “this exercise is better.” However, there is a thing like “this exercise is better for me.” Therefore, find what you can do consistently and keep doing it. However, it is better to do a combination of both.


What Is Considered High Impact Exercise?

Running, jumping the rope and many other exercises are your high-impact exercises. An exercise is high-impact when it is highly intensive on the body. You feel your heart racing the moment you start doing it.


Can You Lose Weight With Low Impact?

Yes! Definitely. You can lose weight with low-impact exercises too. All you need to be is consistent with it. Therefore, you cannot expect miracles within a few weeks. Low-impact exercises take time to show results but they do! 


Low vs. High-Impact Exercise: Which is Better?

All in all, in this debate on low vs. high-impact exercise, there is no clear winner. Your primary concern must only be exercising. Therefore, take time out of your day and do any form of exercise which makes you feel better. If you like dancing, dance every day! Don’t let time and work interrupt your journey towards a better lifestyle.

Do you exercise daily? Which exercises do you prefer? Let us know in the comments section below.


This infographic visually explores the difference between Low vs. high-impact exercise.


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