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How To Be A Vegan In India

How To Be A Vegan In India

Veganism has definitely become a popular trend today. As humans who killed to eat, we have no doubt evolved. A lot of people are turning vegan. A trend that we did not see growing was the number of vegans in India. Despite the fact India is among the countries with the most number of vegetarians, Indians heavily depend on dairy. There are so many food dishes in India that somehow make use of milk: be it in the form of ghee or curd. Therefore, becoming a vegan in India is genuinely not so easy.


Why Go Vegan?

Many people wonder what is the reason behind veganism. Haven’t we humans killed animals since our origin? However, there are plenty of reasons why we must switch to a plant-based diet. Some of them are:



Why Being A Vegan In India Can Be Tough

Veganism isn’t easy anywhere. It isn’t easy to follow a strict plant-based diet at all. Indians may give up on the meat. However, dairy? That’s a tough call! India is among the most milk-producing countries in the world. Vegetarians in India love their paneer! So, many Indians cannot continue their meal without a bowl of curd on the side. Also, no Lassi and no Butter on a Paratha? That’s a lot to give up for a vegan in India!

Dairy products are a part of the daily Indian diet in a huge way. Right from ghee to yoghurt, Indians somehow consume dairy products throughout the day. Tea is one beverage that Indians cannot live without. You will rarely find a household that has no tea powder at their home. Therefore, missing out on the taste of cow milk while making tea is a tough choice.

However, being a vegan is all about your resources as well. Nowadays, there are endless amounts of meat alternatives as well as dairy alternatives available. So, many people are going for almond or soy milk instead. You also get dairy-free cheese nowadays. So yes, it has to do a lot with the resources you can get as well. 


Accidentally Vegan Dishes In India 

This is not a surprise that you may actually come across a lot of dishes in India that are vegan. The amount of vegetarian variety this country has is endless. Therefore, having a select few dishes without dairy seems a tad bit easier. 

Also, Indian dishes heavily depend a lot on the magic of their beloved spices. Therefore, these definitely do help a vegan in India. Here are some accidentally vegan dishes in India.

This list will definitely entice a lot of junk food lovers:



Aside from these favourites, there are some Indian dishes you can still enjoy if you turn vegan:



Do you think you will miss eating your milk-based sweets? Don’t worry, you will always have Jalebis to keep you company!


Completely Vegan Restaurants in India

With the slow yet growing trend of Veganism in India, there are bound to be restaurants working on the same. Here are some restaurants in India which will help you stay vegan in India:



In conclusion

All in all, if you were to think about Indian dishes without dairy, there are tons. You will find a lot of vegetarian dishes that are only dependent on spices

However, with the growing amount of alternatives and substitutes, being a vegan in India shouldn’t be so hard. It’s all about your willpower.

Do you think veganism is tough? Do you think vegans eat a rich diet? Let us know in the comments section below!


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