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Cornerstone Therapy: Meaning, Benefits, Sessions and More

Cornerstone Therapy: Meaning, Benefits, Sessions and MoreCornerstone Therapy: Meaning, Benefits, Sessions and More

To be honest, picking up the phone to call a therapist can feel like a daunting task. While you are considering this step, you might have many questions running through your mind. Do they plan to make me lie on a couch? Will I have to divulge my deepest thoughts? What if things get weird? Cornerstone therapy is a personalized therapy tailored to meet the unique needs of each client in a comforting and safe environment.


What is Cornerstone Therapy?  

As a psychotherapy practice, Cornerstone Therapy offers psychological testing, psychiatry, counselling and nutritional services to couples, adolescents, adults, families and children.

In cornerstone therapy, there are several types involving differing methods, techniques, and interventions.

There are times when it is helpful to combine different cornerstone therapy approaches.

In some cases, combining cornerstone therapy with medication may prove more beneficial.

Cornerstone therapy is not a quick fix or an easy solution.

As a complex and rich process, it reduces symptoms, provides insight, and lets you function more effectively and live a more fulfilling life.


Why Do People Seek Cornerstone Therapy?

People seek therapy for a variety of reasons to address issues in their lives. 

Therapy is individually tailored and continually modified to fit each patient’s needs. 

Cornerstone therapy provides quality, comprehensive care to build a solid foundation for healthy living.


Individual Therapy

The purpose of individual therapy is to allow a person to work through a wide array of important issues like financial issues, addiction, depression, anger, stress or anxiety in their lives.


Child and Adolescent Therapy

Many people find that childhood and adolescence are challenging times. 

Cornerstone therapy can help children manage their emotions and learn skills to solve problems and cope with difficult situations.

Often, the “presenting problem” that brings adolescents into therapy arises from unhealthy or destructive attempts to escape, control, or suppress their feelings. 


Couples Therapy

When couples are unable to resolve their problems and conflicts on their own, couples therapy may be the answer.

Cornerstone therapy ensures that you find real solutions that give you healing and enables you to have a deeper affection for your spouse.


Family Therapy

Family therapy aims to identify patterns within the family that contribute to a mental illness or behaviour disorder and help break those patterns. 

The goal of family therapy is to communicate and work out problems with the family.


What Areas Can Be addressed by Cornerstone Therapy?

#1. Counselling

The purpose of counselling is to talk things out. During a therapist-client session, the client discusses the deepest issues in a private, confidential setting.

It is possible to have a counselling session in person, over the internet, or by phone.

Through counselling, a therapist and patient explore the reasons and causes of everything from self-defeating thoughts to detrimental actions.

The goal of counselling is to bring the patient’s unconscious or subconscious motivating factors to the surface, thereby guiding them to solutions. 

It is a joint effort of therapist and patient that can help with a wide range of problems, such as addiction, abuse, childhood trauma, and more general difficulties like low self-esteem.


#2. Psychiatry

Psychiatry is a branch of medicine that involves treatment and prevention of behaviour, emotional and mental disorders.

Mental health depends on a combination of factors, including both factors unique to an individual and factors related to interactions with society, community, and family.

A healthy sense of self-esteem, effective communication skills, and resilience are among the components of mental well-being.

Treatment for mental health problems is essential before the problems cause severe disruptions in families, communities, and relationships.

Psychiatrists often deal with mental health disorders such as bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, panic disorders and post-traumatic stress disorders. Additionally, they deal with drug and substance abuse, addiction and dependence.


#3. Psychological Testing

An evaluation or test of psychological functioning provides a structured, organized, and succinct description of a person’s psychological functioning, including their cognitive, behavioural, and emotional strengths and weaknesses.

A psychological test isn’t something you can or should prepare for.

According to information from tests and interviews, the psychologist develops an overall evaluation, determines a diagnosis, develops a treatment plan or makes referrals, depending on the need.


#4. Individual Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is a method of treating emotional and personality problems or disorders through psychological means.

Through therapy, people can confront barriers that interfere with their emotional and mental well-being. 

The process of becoming more conscious of who they are, their inner world, and their relationships is one that many people find appealing. 

During therapy, positive emotions may be enhanced, including peace, compassion, joy,  self-esteem, and self-love.

Psychotherapy can help with the following issues or problems:

  1. Trauma and its effects
  2. People looking to achieve personal growth and fulfilment
  3. Marital and interpersonal conflicts
  4. All types of mental illnesses, including obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia, depression, etc.
  5. Medical problems of various kinds, including dementia, delirium, disability, etc.
  6. A difficult time dealing with stress


#5. Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy

An emotional problem can cause a child’s development to stall, which could begin with behavioural issues at home or school, or as anxiety, sadness or depression.

Children and adolescents can receive psychotherapy to deal with behavioural problems and emotional distress.

It is helpful for troubled children to talk and think about their troubled feelings with a therapist in order to put their experiences into words rather than act on them.

In addition to receiving emotional support, they also resolve conflicts and understand feelings, and learn to deal with old problems in new ways. 


#6. Couples Psychotherapy

In couples therapy, a therapist uses a variety of therapeutic interventions to help two people involved in a romantic relationship improve their relationship satisfaction, resolve conflict, and gain insight into their relationship.

Couples undergo therapy for a wide range of reasons like lack of communication, incessant arguments, unmet emotional needs, financial worries, and conflicts over children.


#7. Family Psychotherapy

The purpose of family therapy is to address specific issues affecting the health and functioning of a family.

Getting family therapy doesn’t automatically resolve family conflicts or resolve unpleasant situations.

It can assist a family through a difficult time, a major transition, or even a mental or behavioural health issue in a family member.

Family members can better understand one another, as well as gain skills for coping with challenging situations more effectively.

Also, it may promote the feeling of togetherness within the family.


What To Expect in Your First Session?

You can expect your first visit to the therapist’s office to be similar to going to a doctor.

In addition to signing in upon your arrival, you will wait in the waiting room until your name is called.

There might be a casual atmosphere if your therapist has a home practice.

During the first appointment with the therapist, things will be slightly different than in subsequent sessions.

During your initial visit, you and your therapist will get to know one another and determine a course of action.

In the future, your visits will be more therapeutic in nature.

The second session of therapy may include an exploration of past trauma, a specific problem or a symptom that you mentioned in your first session.


How to Choose a Therapist?

You must find a therapist you are comfortable with. After all, you may speak about uncomfortable subjects or even share matters you haven’t opened up about before.

Thus, it is important that you work with someone to whom you will open up to as well as listen. It can be overwhelming to choose a therapist with so many options available.

There are a few strategies that can help you narrow down your options and pick the right match.


#1. Decide with whom you might work best

Therefore, it’s crucial to work with someone you feel comfortable with. Here are a few things to consider:

Age: Do you prefer working with an older, younger, or someone who’s your age?

Gender: Do you think you would feel more at ease with a male or a female?

Religion: Are you concerned if the therapist is of a particular religious orientation?


Maybe you’d connect better with a female your own age. Alternatively, you might feel more comfortable talking to an older man.

You should determine the type of person with whom you are comfortable opening up.

There is a chance that you don’t know who you want to talk to. That’s fine, too. If someone asks, you can usually just say that you do not have any preferences.

By learning a little bit more about the therapists you have a greater chance of finding one that suits your needs. 

In their biographies, therapists share a few basic facts, so you can try and determine if an individual will be a good match before scheduling the first appointment.


#2. Credentials

Often, therapists have a lot of initials following their names, which can make it difficult to decipher what the letters mean.

Although you don’t need to become an expert concerning mental health accreditations, it does help to know what the letters mean.

Below are a few of the most common ones:

  1. MD — Doctor of Medicine (physician psychiatrist)
  2. PsyD — Doctor of Psychology
  3. PhD — Doctor of Philosophy
  4. NCC — National Certified Counselor
  5. LCDC — Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor
  6. LCSW — Licensed Clinical Social Worker
  7. LPC — Licensed Professional Counselor
  8. LMFT — Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
  9. LMHC — Licensed Mental Health Counselor


Some states have their own licensing bodies and credentialing systems, so there may be minor variations in what you see.

Initially, looking at all the different letters might seem a bit overwhelming, but the license’s exact details might not matter too much to you after all.

The most important thing is to ensure that the therapist you select is a licensed mental health professional who adheres to appropriate guidelines and follows a code of ethics.


#3. Before you meet with a therapist, ask these questions

Some therapists offer brief phone consultations for free before scheduling your first appointment.

You can use this opportunity to get to know the therapist a little more and ask any questions you may have.

Even though a phone call is not a guarantee you’ll be able to determine whether the therapist is a good match, it may certainly help you narrow down your choices when you’re trying to decide between several potential therapists.

When you consult with them, you can ask them questions about their treatment methods and how they have assisted others with similar goals.

If you want, you can also ask how they make their patients feel comfortable during therapy.


Who Can Benefit From Cornerstone Therapy?

Cornerstone therapy can help anyone build a healthy foundation for a healthy life, whether they are children, adolescents, families or couples. They can approach a therapist to overcome their challenges and feel better. 


How Much Does a Session Cost?

Individual Therapy Cost

The price of private therapy differs depending on where you live and, in some cases, your income. Often, individual therapy is the most expensive kind of treatment, costing at least $150 per hour.


Couples and Family Therapy Cost

Costs of couples therapy vary depending on where you live and what professional you see. Couples and family therapists generally charge between $70 and $250 per hour.


Psychiatrist Cost

According to their medical background, psychiatrists tend to charge more than psychologists.

The prices at individual practices can differ, but you can expect your initial consultation to cost between $300 and $500, followed by $100 per hour as you progress with your treatment.


Cost of Psychotherapy

Psychotherapists usually charge around $100 per session, with rates increasing for those with more experience. An hour of talk therapy may be accessible in some areas for less than $60, but in large cities, rates may even reach $300.


Cornerstone Therapy Training and Courses

The role of the therapist is to help people overcome the many complex emotional and relational challenges in their lives.

Although it can be a challenging position, it is also an immensely rewarding one that can make a positive impact on people’s lives.

Occupational careers in mental health have become very important to the health industry because of the importance of this field.

As the demand for qualified therapists increases, these courses will prepare you to assist individuals in need of emotional healing as skilled clinical mental health providers.

A variety of accredited schools offer degrees in counselling like:

San Diego University

Boston College

New York University

Columbia University

Loyola University Chicago



#1. What is Cornerstone Counselling?

During Cornerstone Counselling, third-party therapists assist clients in resolving their conflicts with themselves and with others. Through this process, you can gain a deeper understanding of themselves, including the ways in which their thoughts, behaviours, or feelings have been problematic in their lives. In addition, it can be used to learn how to access existing resources or develop new ones that will enhance individual and interpersonal success. There are no quick fixes or simple solutions to Cornerstone Counselling. By providing insight, minimizing symptoms, and helping individuals function more effectively, counselling allows people to achieve more lasting happiness.


#2. What is the Difference Between Counselling and Therapy?

Despite being used interchangeably, therapy and counselling have some key differences. You meet with a mental health counsellor for a set period of time to address a specific issue. Getting counselling can help if, for instance, your marriage is causing problems. Marriage counselling can help you and your spouse improve your relationship. It could also help you if you are stressed out and need guidance on how to manage it. The purpose of counselling is usually to figure out a specific issue and focus on it for a limited amount of time.  Psychotherapy offers a more long-term perspective. It deals with how you see the world, how you think, and how you behave, as well as the underlying reasons for why you do the things you do. You can explore with your mental health therapist how depression is impacting your daily life and how you might develop better coping mechanisms to feel better and less depressed. Typically, you attend therapy sessions for a longer time period.


#3. What are the Three Main Types of Counselling?

Counselling encompasses a wide range of opportunities across many subfields. Depending on the type of counselling that a client requires, counsellors and therapists offer their clients different forms of assistance. Counselling can be divided into three different types:


1. Individual Counselling

An individual counselling session involves a patient and a trained psychiatrist, psychotherapist or psychologist working together to achieve a certain goal. Under the guidance of an expert, it is primarily a process of self-discovery and problem-solving. A patient needs to have individual counselling because it allows them to talk openly about their problems without fear of being judged. The goal of individual counselling is for patients to develop a more profound understanding of themselves and to work through issues they are uncomfortable discussing with others.


2. Relationship and Marriage Counselling

In essence, relationship counselling is a way of resolving relationship issues and fostering better relationships between the parties to a relationship. As a subset of relationship therapy, couple therapy consists of couples who are involved in a romantic relationship and are seeking therapy, but relationship counselling is not restricted to those involved in romantic or sexual relationships. A relationship counsellor may work with parents and children, a boss with an employee, etc. On the other hand, marriage counselling refers to the counselling of the parties before or after marriage. A relationship might be made healthier by resolving a specific issue or removing its general toxic elements. 


3. Family Counselling

Therapy for families is an effective means of establishing and maintaining healthy and functional family relationships. Identifying and resolving issues within the family is the goal. Behavioural, emotional, or psychological issues could be at the root of these problems. A lot of family counselling approaches are based on family systems theory.  Rather than being a collection of individuals who operate independently, this implies that families usually work in systems.


#4. Do I Need Counselling or Therapy?

Both the terms “counsellor” and “psychotherapist” have many similarities, however, there are some key differences as well. Counselling is generally recommended for specific issues and scenarios, such as addiction and grief, and usually lasts between a few weeks to several months. Contrary to this, psychotherapy usually explores the issues of the past that may contribute to the problems of the present. It often occurs continuously or intermittently over a long period of time. If you think you require therapy, try this quiz to determine whether you need professional help.


#5. Can Counselling be Harmful?

Seeing how people are increasingly using therapy as a tool for self-care, you can start feeling like everyone should go to therapy and that you should pick the first therapist you find. The situation is more complex than that. When taken in poor quality or the wrong way, counselling and other psychological therapies can be detrimental. Therapy for distressed people is usually helpful, but in some cases, when it goes wrong, it can leave those who seek help even more depressed than before.


The Takeaway

Cornerstone Therapy helps talk to a professional about the events in your life. This allows you to discuss the things that matter to you without feeling judged. 

You will receive affirmation and support from another set of eyes and ears as you travel through life.

It’s an excellent way to maximize your potential. Take the plunge and consider engaging in cornerstone therapy, particularly since the process is easier than it has ever been.

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