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4 Fantastic Benefits of Eating Local [INFOGRAPHIC]

4 Fantastic Benefits of Eating Local4 Fantastic Benefits of Eating Local

Have you ever stopped at the neighbourhood farmer’s market and admired the beautiful bunches of kale? Or the seasonal fruits, freshly baked bread and locally crafted cheeses? Eating locally grown produce allows you to enjoy cooking and eating more. There are a lot of benefits of eating local including social, economical, health and environmental benefits. Here are 4 benefits of eating local.


#1. It’s Fresh

Locally produced food and produce aren’t imported from far off destinations. This means that it’s extremely fresh and therefore, is tastier and healthier. Have you ever eaten a ripe tomato from a farmer’s market? It tastes better than the one you buy from your grocery store. 

Usually, the produce sold at the farmer’s market is harvested or picked on the same morning as that of the market or a day before.

Therefore, the produce is tastier, juicier and sweeter.


#2. It’s More Nutritious

Vegetables and fruits often lose their nutrients during processing and transportation or when sitting on the shelves. 

For instance, Vitamin C in vegetables and fruits starts degrading just after a day of harvesting!

Locally produced fruits and vegetables don’t have to be shipped from far off locations. Therefore, it’s far more nutritious than the foods at the grocery store. 


#3. It allows you to try new foods

Shopping at local co-ops or farmer’s markets gives you the opportunity to try unique food that grows in your area.

Discover these items to learn more about the agricultural practices and food history of your community. Chances are, you’ll find a (or a few) favourite ingredients or food items.

Expose yourself to local foods by signing up for community-supported agriculture. You’ll be surprised by the variety of fruits and vegetables they have. Some of them contain unique vegetables and fruits such as pattypan squash, radicchio, celeriac and romanesco.


#4. It benefits the environment

When you shop local, you support the environment. 

Since local produce travels a shorter distance, it contributes to less pollution. In addition, there are fewer carbon emissions. 

Apart from that, local produce requires less plastic packaging. Most of the produce is sold without any packaging. It’s common to see customers carrying their own bags to farmer’s markets. In addition, local produce requires no processing. Therefore, this also equates to less waste.

It also creates a healthier ecosystem. It helps create farmland and green spaces. Most local farms use sustainable practices that protect pollinators and boost biodiversity. This helps create healthy ecosystems that promote clean water, soil and air.


In Conclusion

Eating local benefits your health as well as your community. In addition, it has a lot of positive environmental, social and economic effects.

Locally produced food and other items are more nutritious, require less packaging and taste better. Supporting local food businesses is an excellent way to support local economies. 

This infographic visually explores 4 fantastic benefits of eating local.


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